Here is where I keep notes on how to do various things or how I solved specific problems in the past. Mostly for my own reference, but I hope it will be useful to others as well.
Following the normal instructions you might get an error like this: The installation notes will tell you to reinstall the xcode command line tools, but this won't work. The problem is you're missing the MacOSX11.3.sdk. This is an old SDK. It's…
Updated for Ubuntu 24.04 Calibre is one of my favorite pieces of open source software. It's amazing, free, and constantly updated. Aside from adroitly managing your digital library from the pc, it can also operate as a server, making all your ebooks…
Find and recursively grep through files Can be done with or with various tradeoffs. Example, search through all python files and show results with line number and filename. rsync No trailing slash - copy directory copies directory to Trailing…
Access the host computer from a docker container Use as the network address or hostname to access services running on the host computer. For example to access a postgres server running on the host from within the docker container: This doesn't work…
Basics Set up Start a repository Stage changes for commit Commit with message Remote Add remote origin (new repository on github) Push to new github repository Using alternate ssh keys Sometimes you might want to use a different ssh key to access git…
Problems encountered getting my React Viro Augmented Reality app to run on iPhone. No Permission Handler Detected When the app first starts up, an error stating that there's no permission handler in the Podfile appears. Despite following the Viro…
One of those things I need to do intermittently and end up having to look up each time. Connect the phone via USB and make sure it shows up with . Start the tcpip server on the phone Run Disconnect the USB cord and voilà! Debug away without pesky…
Noting these steps here for the next time I need to do this. First, there are many tools like that want to manage your python versions for you. I mostly find they create more problems than they solve. As it turns out, they're largely unnecessary. I…
In my continuing journey to learn more about Gatsby, React, and all things serverless and single page app I hosted the prototype of my latest project using AWS Amplify. The Amplify service, among other things, promises to simplify hosting with…
Time marches on and one day you find that the shiny new Postgres you originally installed is nearing its end of life. Time to upgrade. Since I always forget how to do this, I'm going to save the two pages of instructions needed here. Add the…