Your most hated code

I think every programmer must have some bit of code they wrote that they absolutely hate. Maybe it's something that's brute force where it doesn't need to be. Maybe it's a block of code that's been copied and pasted a few more times than is advisable. Sure, it works. It's perfectly functional. But you know it's in your codebase, lurking. It's waiting for the perfect time to strike, when it can rear up and bite you in the ass at the worst possible moment. Of course, you didn't want to write it that way. You'd rather have spent a few days pondering over the most elegant way to express yourself. There wasn't time, though. Anyway, this is good enough. For now. You'll come back to it later.

I think this would make a great interview question (though I've never heard of anyone asking it): "What's the worst piece of code you ever wrote?" First, you'd get to see their ability to spot shortcomings in their own work, which is always a valuable skill. Second, it will give you some insight into what aspects of good code they value most. Is the source of their discomfort something like poor modularization? Maybe they can't abide code that isn't properly indented. If something trivial is their biggest grief, perhaps they're not worth hiring. If they can't think of any of their own code that they hate, they're either a phenomenal programmer, or they just haven't given it much thought, probably the latter.

My own current source of shame is a particularly atrocious rats' nest of conditionals that determine what gets displayed when someone views an debate on GreaterDebater. The debate itself doesn't change of course, but the options available to act on it depend highly on who's looking at it. The rules go like this:

  1. If the user isn't logged in, and the debate is still ongoing tell them they should log in if they want to vote.
  2. If the user is logged in, and isn't one of the people in the debate, and the debate hasn't ended, and this user hasn't voted yet, give them the option to vote.
  3. If all of the above is true except the user has already voted, showthem the current tally of votes with the option to change their vote.
  4. If the debate is over, always show the outcome and the vote tally.
  5. If the debate is ongoing and the user viewing it is the user whose turn it is, show them their options for replying.
  6. If 5 is true but they haven't yet accepted the challenge to the debate, then show them the options to accept or decline.
  7. If 5 is true but their opponent has offered a draw, then show the options to accept or decline the draw
  8. If the user is a participant in the debate and it's not their turn, just show the debate so far without any actions.

Phew. All that is realized as the following code.

if arg.status in range(0,3):
    # The argument hasn't ended
    current = True

if current and (request.user.is_authenticated() == False or request.user == arg.whos_up(invert=1)):
    # The viewer is either not logged in or a participant and it's not his turn
    # Don't show any controls
    show_arg_actions = False
    show_arg_actions = True

if request.user == arg.defendant and arg.status == 0:
    # defendant hasn't accepted or declined the challenge yet
    # and is viewing the argument, show the options
    # to accept or decline the argument
    new_arg = True

if current and request.user == arg.whos_up() and arg.draw_set.all():
    # A draw has been proposed and the recipient is viewing the argument
    # show the option to decline or accept the draw
    show_draw = True
if current and new_arg == False and not arg.draw_set.all() and request.user == arg.whos_up():
    # No draw is pending, the person viewing the argument 
    # is a participant and it's his turn show the options
    # to respond
    show_actions = True

if current and request.user.is_authenticated() and not request.user in [arg.plaintiff, arg.defendant]:
    # The person viewing the argument is a registered user
    # and not a participant, show the voting box
    show_votes = True

return render_to_response("items/arg_detail.html",
                          {'object': arg,
                           'incite': arg.incite,
                           'comments': arg.argcomment_set.order_by('pub_date'),
                           'new_arg': new_arg,
                           'voted_for': voted_for, 
                           'last_c': last_c,
                           'current': current,
                           'pvotes': votes.filter(voted_for="P").count(),
                           'dvotes': votes.filter(voted_for="D").count(), 
                           'show_actions': show_actions,
                           'show_votes': show_votes,
                           'show_arg_actions': show_arg_actions,
                           'show_draw': show_draw

This is actually an improvement from the first attempt. The show_* variables are in turn evaluted in another conglomeration of IF tags in the template. Suffice to say, the template is not very designer-friendly.

{% if show_arg_actions %}
<div id="arg_actions">
  {% if current %}

  {% if new_arg %}
  <!--   The argument has been proposed but not accepted or declined, the defendant is viewing the page -->
  <div class="arg_query arg_responses" id="arg_responses">
    Begin this debate?<br />
    <ul class="flat-list">
      <li><a href="#" onclick="respond_challenge({{}}, {{ }}, 0); return false;">Accept</a></li>
      <li><a href="#" onclick="respond_challenge({{}}, {{ }}, 1); return false;">Decline</a></li>
  {% endif %}

  {% if show_draw %}
  <!-- A draw has been proposed, the user viewing the page is currently up in the argument -->
  <div class="arg_responses arg_query" id="draw_query">
      A draw has been offered
    <a class="menu" href="#" onclick="respond_draw({{ }}, {{ }}, 0); return false;">Accept</a> |
    <a class="menu" href="#" onclick="respond_draw({{ }}, {{ }}, 1); return false;">Decline</a>
  {% endif %}
  {% if show_actions %}
  {% include "items/turn_actions.html" %}  
  {% endif %}

  {% if show_votes %}
  <div id="vote" class="arg_responses">
    {% if voted_for %}

    {% include "items/vote_div.html" %} 
    {% else %}    
      Who's winning? Cast your vote below.
    <a class="menu" href='#' onclick="vote({{ }}, {{ }}, 'P'); return false;">Vote for {{ object.plaintiff.username}}</a> |
    <a class="menu" href='#' onclick="vote({{ }}, {{ }}, 'D'); return false;">Vote for {{ object.defendant.username}}</a>
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  {% else %}
  <div id="vote" class="arg_responses">
    {% include "items/vote_div.html" %}
  {% endif %}

{% else %}
{% if not request.user.is_authenticated %}
<div id="arg_actions">
  <div class="arg_responses">
    <a href="/users/login?next={{ request.path }}">Log in or register</a> to cast your vote for the greater debater!
{% endif %}
{% endif %}

What bothers me the most about this strategy is how the logic is split up between the view and the template. It should really be in one or the other, ideally it will be in the view in keeping with the Django practice of having as little logic in the template as possible. I can remove all of the conditionals from the template by breaking out each endpoint into a small template of its own. By choosing the appropriate template in the view, we can pass the rendered HTML to the main debate template directly, thus removing all of the conditionals from the template. This greatly simplifies the template. In fact, the entire mess of template conditionals above can be replaced with a single line:

{{ arg_actions }}

The view will pass on the rendered HTML as the arg_actions variable.

Of course, all of this complexity has to go somewhere. In this case it's being shoved into the view. At least Python is better equipped to handle it than the Django templating language. I'm still not entirely sure this is the best way to handle this situation, but I am glad the template is cleaned up. The code in the view now looks like this:

if arg.status in range(0,3):
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if request.user == arg.whos_up():
            if arg.status == 0:
                # The challenge has been proposed but not accepted
                argc = Context({'object': arg,
                                'request': request})
                arg_actions = argt.render(argc)
            elif arg.draw_set.all():
                # A draw has been offered
                argc = Context({'object': arg,
                                'request': request})
                arg_actions = argt.render(argc)
                # normal turn
                argc = Context({'object': arg,
                                'last_c': last_c,
                                'user': request.user})
                arg_actions = argt.render(argc)
        elif request.user == arg.whos_up(invert=1):
            # The user is a participant, but it's not his turn
            arg_actions = ''
            # The user is not a participant in this debate
            if voted_for:
	# The user has already cast a vote
                argt = loader.get_template("items/vote_tally.html")
                argc = Context({'pvotes': votes.filter(voted_for='P').count(),
                                'dvotes': votes.filter(voted_for='D').count(),
                                'object': arg,
                                'current': True,
                                'voted_for': voted_for
                arg_actions = argt.render(argc)    
	# The user hasn't voted yet
                argt = loader.get_template("items/vote_div.html")
                argc = Context({'object': arg,
                                'request': request})
                arg_actions = argt.render(argc)
        # debate is in progress, tell user to log in to vote
        argt = loader.get_template("items/arg_login.html")
        argc = Context({'request': request})
        arg_actions = argt.render(argc)    
    # debate has ended, show the final vote tally
    argt = loader.get_template("items/vote_tally.html")
    argc = Context({'pvotes': votes.filter(voted_for='P').count(),
                    'dvotes': votes.filter(voted_for='D').count(),
                    'object': arg,
                    'current': False,
                    'voted_for': voted_for
    arg_actions = argt.render(argc)    

return render_to_response("items/arg_detail.html",
                          {'object': arg,
                           'incite': arg.incite,
                           'comments': arg.argcomment_set.order_by('pub_date'),
                           'last_c': last_c,
                           'arg_actions': arg_actions

So, that's how my most hated code got transformed into perhaps my second-most hated code. I still feel like the deeply nested if statements here are a code smell that indicate there's a better way to handle this. I'm just not quite sure what it is yet.

Originally published 2010-03-15 06:33:39